Current lab members @ Wayne State University
Sara Masoud
Assistant Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering
PhD in Systems and Industrial Engineering
MS in Statistics
BS in Industrial Engineering
Ali Kamali Mohammadzadeh
Teaching/Research Assistant in Industrial and Systems Engineering
MS in Operations Research
MS in Data Science
BS in Industrial Management
Roohollah Jahanmahin
Research Assistant in Industrial and Systems Engineering
MS in Indusrial Engineering
BS in Indusrial Engineering
Elnaz Alinezhad
Teaching/Research Assistant in Industrial and Systems Engineering
MS in Applied Mathematics
BS in Mathematics
Former lab members
Maryam Eghbali Zarch
Postdoctoral Scholar in Industrial and Systems Engineering
PhD in Industrial Engineering
MS in Industrial Engineering
BS in Industrial Engineering
Faisal Alsaedi
Ph.D. Candidate in Industrial and Systems Engineering
MS in Industrial Engineering
BS in Industrial Management
Mahzad Tafvizi Zavareh
MS graduate
MS in Data Science
BS in Industrial Engineering
Undergraduate research assistants
Marisa O'Dea
Undergraduate reseach assistant
BS in Civil and Environmental Egnineering
Abd E Ali Hussain
Undergraduate reseach assistant
BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mallory Marshall
Undergraduate reseach assistant
BS in Theatre and Dance
Luca Kozlowski
Undergraduate reseach assistant
BS in Theatre and Dance
Jake Pierson
Visiting undergraduate reseach assistant
BS in Industrial and Systens Engineering
Carlton Leroy Allen
Visiting undergraduate reseach assistant
BS in Computer Science
Johnathan Ng
Visiting undergraduate reseach assistant
BS in Industrial Engineering